Saturday, December 29, 2007


Dave and I are a year apart. Dave is rather intense. He's driven like a mad man with a mission. Lately life's dished Dave out some pretty hard things to chew. But, It's hard to phase Dave. I have not seen so much courage and grit before. My comments about Dave will be brief. He's an amazing man. I've always thought that. But, now I know it.

Gina -my one and only sister

I only have one sister, Gina. Wow. She's gonna get all pissed at me for writing about her. She's very private. I am best friends with her even though she get's annoyed that I call her too much. When she does answer my phone calls it's usually with a "What Now?" I rely on her advice maybe a little too much. Gina is beautiful. She has these amazing eyelashes that frame out these massive blue eyes. She's a looker. She's soooooo strong willed. She always steam rolls our conversations. Hee. She tried to fix my life once. I mean she really worked at it. She was ready to rename me and everything. In the end, I let her down I think. I tried. I learned a lot though. She probably doesn't realize how much. She makes me stronger. She doesn't listen to me whine. Tough love but effective. She's been through so much. I lived with her and nannied her children for a year and a half. I was amazed by her strength. She's so driven. Seriously, get out of the way if Gina's comin' through. I don't think there is a person on this earth who I'd rather hang out with. She is so entertaining. Buffy, we really need to pistachio. Pistachioing is a ritual she and I have. It's basically lounging about and saying what's on our a really honest way. It's Gina and my bonding time. Too few and far between. Gina's married to this great guy named Gary Gysin. I think he believes me to be a little mentally off. Why would that be? Hmmmm. Gary is sooo good for Gina. I'm so glad she found him. Yes Virginia, there is a Gary Gysin.


My next brother is Jared. Jared is one huge personality! Sometimes I think he's very misunderstood. I've gotten to know my brother Jared slowly. These last few years I think we've become the closest. It's kind of hard to get into his head sometimes. He doesn't like to burden me with his worries or stresses. Everything is always "fabulous" or "super" with him. I think he knows I see through that. Sometimes things aren't "super". That's life. Jared's approach to life is facinating to me. He's got guts and good looks. He seems like he's always plotting or planning his next move. One of those people who lives really hard. Most people don't know how sweet and tender he is inside. He can be so vulnerable. Another little know fact about Jared is that he's really great at creating decorative sprays for the home. Inside joke.


Sometimes I can't believe I'm even related to my oldest brother. Aaron is one of those people. He draws people to him, handles him self with dignity without being stuffy. Aaron is brilliant, driven, neurotic, Type A, and I think Italian at times. Here's my favorite memory with my big brother: I was about 13 or so and I decided I was going to make a chocolate cake. Not just any chocolate cake, a three layer one...from scratch. It took me hours. The end result, was a big, disgusting heap of chocolate. I was up late working on this doomed cake when Aaron came home to see the mess. At this point, I was in tears. Crying all over the chocolate. I remember he went right to the drawer and pulled out a spatula. "Oblivion" (his nickname for me) "Don't cry we'll fix it." He sculpted that cake into a master peice and then had a disgusting slice with me. It was no easy feat. I knew he was tired and this was probably the last thing he wanted to come home to. But, he did it for me. I love you so much for that A-bum. You are always there to bail me out of my three layer disasters. Aaron's my big brother and you can't have him!

My Mammy

My mom and I have a unique relationship. Sometimes you go through so much with one person that you become so close breathing can become difficult. How do I explain? I think mom and I are so honest with eachother that things become raw. I have always been extremely attached and protective of her. As a little girl, I would follow her from room to room. I have to admit I was annoying. I know Mom's my best girlfriend but I smother her. She's just so easy for me to talk to. She's a cat. Not many people know Christopher the way I do. Words to describe Mom: Patient, Strong, Intelligent, Spicy, Brutally Honest at times. What you see is what you get. She is herself and if you don't like it...tough. Anyone who knows her, and I don't think many really do, loves her to itsy bitsy mammy pieces. She's good peeps. I owe her my life.


Dad's name is George Virl Osmond Jr. He and I are so much alike. We think in our own special way, an encrypted code language that seems to work for us. It's half sign language, half baby talk. I dig him to his core. Dad doesn't give himself enough credit. He is a fabulous father. He's mine and you can't have him. He likes me the best of all of his seven children. That's right Aaron, Jared, Gina, Dave, Hyrum and Joe! Don't feel bad. He kind of likes you guys too.