Saturday, December 29, 2007

Gina -my one and only sister

I only have one sister, Gina. Wow. She's gonna get all pissed at me for writing about her. She's very private. I am best friends with her even though she get's annoyed that I call her too much. When she does answer my phone calls it's usually with a "What Now?" I rely on her advice maybe a little too much. Gina is beautiful. She has these amazing eyelashes that frame out these massive blue eyes. She's a looker. She's soooooo strong willed. She always steam rolls our conversations. Hee. She tried to fix my life once. I mean she really worked at it. She was ready to rename me and everything. In the end, I let her down I think. I tried. I learned a lot though. She probably doesn't realize how much. She makes me stronger. She doesn't listen to me whine. Tough love but effective. She's been through so much. I lived with her and nannied her children for a year and a half. I was amazed by her strength. She's so driven. Seriously, get out of the way if Gina's comin' through. I don't think there is a person on this earth who I'd rather hang out with. She is so entertaining. Buffy, we really need to pistachio. Pistachioing is a ritual she and I have. It's basically lounging about and saying what's on our a really honest way. It's Gina and my bonding time. Too few and far between. Gina's married to this great guy named Gary Gysin. I think he believes me to be a little mentally off. Why would that be? Hmmmm. Gary is sooo good for Gina. I'm so glad she found him. Yes Virginia, there is a Gary Gysin.


M@ said...

Livy love -

This is awesome! I love your blog thus far and want to copy what you are doing here. I miss you so much!

Ginone is so beautiful and I miss her so. Please make sure she knows that I love her.


Hyrum Virl Osmond said...

Who let Matt on here! Is there no security for this blog?
though I will agree my sisters are so beautiful.