Saturday, December 29, 2007

My Mammy

My mom and I have a unique relationship. Sometimes you go through so much with one person that you become so close breathing can become difficult. How do I explain? I think mom and I are so honest with eachother that things become raw. I have always been extremely attached and protective of her. As a little girl, I would follow her from room to room. I have to admit I was annoying. I know Mom's my best girlfriend but I smother her. She's just so easy for me to talk to. She's a cat. Not many people know Christopher the way I do. Words to describe Mom: Patient, Strong, Intelligent, Spicy, Brutally Honest at times. What you see is what you get. She is herself and if you don't like it...tough. Anyone who knows her, and I don't think many really do, loves her to itsy bitsy mammy pieces. She's good peeps. I owe her my life.

1 comment:

Erica said...

I ran across a link to your blog, and I noticed your post about your Mom. Nearly six years ago now, I ran across your mom's aol website and for some reason I wrote to her. I was a newlywed with troubles, and it touched me that she took the time to respond. She wrote me a wonderful letter back. I still have it tucked in my journal.
So.. I had to leave a note of respect here for your mom; and to say hello to you.

Best wishes!